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  • Hi! Yes, absolutely. She is the only villager that has been in my town ever since I started it in 2013 and she is my favourite one.
    Hello, I have some bad news. :( I lost Goldie in a TT accident.. I had her ready to move and was going to tell you, but I got the dates mixed up and she was gone before I knew it. I'm so so very sorry. :'( I will keep a look out for anyone with Goldie and let you know if I come across anything. Again, I'm so very sorry. :(
    My only two dreamies left to get are Poppy and Punchy, Poppy more so than Punchy though. I lost them accidentally when I was time traveling one time and have missed them ever since. I can totally give you Goldie, I'm sure we can work something out! ^-^
    Hey, no problem, you are totally not bothering me! :) I do have Goldie and she is not a dreamie. I was hoping to someday trade her for one of my dreamies, hehe.
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