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  • No problem! (Although I gave you 90 tbt lol) Aw man. Well, just sell fish and bugs and fruit at ReTail in your town.
    I'm busy so I will do it when I have time. And you will only get Goldie when she gets in boxes, not before. If someone was gonna ask about her before you though, they would've already.
    Yeah, that happened to me with peaches. I saw them for so long I just got sick of them lol
    Sure c: Not tonight, as I'm getting ready to go to bed, but definitely sometime :D
    Ah, yeah, I'm missing quite a few as well. :/ Which fruit is your favorite? Like, which one looks the best to you? I looove how oranges look in my town.
    My town fruit in Tadfield is peach, in Sonata it's orange c: What are yours?
    That's what I'm doing in my new town. A friend gave me a lot so I have 20+ million in my first town. I remember now.
    No problem c: I still play it every day. I forgot how many I have right now...
    20 tbt/btb is just that. I think it translates to around 4 million in-game bells (called IGB.) And yes, absolutely! I know how it is not to be able to afford a dreamie :(
    Also, whether you pay TBT before or after you buy something is up to the seller.
    You can earn tbt by posting in the ACNL board and I believe the VTP board or by selling things in the tbt marketplace. To pay someone with TBT, click on the number beside the word "Bells:" that is either underneath their profile picture (on a post) or in their "About Me" on their profile. Type in the amount of bells into the box and confirm. And that's it! (Pssst if you need money for Goldie I can give you some)
    Yes, she is c: If you want her, I'll keep an eye out for her in the VTP!
    Hey, how goes your search for Goldie? Just thought I'd check in. ^^ I was able to get Punchy and Poppy, so I can now fully look out for Goldie for you. :D can I ask how often you're on? in case I find her for you. ^-^
    Aw, you have trouble finding her? That's a shame. She isn't very popular, is she? Glad to meet a fellow Goldie fan. <3
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