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  • Hi! I believe I have just went to your town by accident... I'm so sorry again, hope there won't be any problems... do you have 10 villagers? I might have someone on my void and I don't want to ruin your town with a void move in, I'm so sorry :(
    hi! would you like to trade your perfect pears for some perfect apples? i got 5 baskets or more to trade :)
    oh hm... I should have done it properly but maybe I didn't? anyway, restarted the game and reopened the gates! hope it works this time, sorry;;
    oh sorry this is so late!! I wonder if I typed it wrong? I'll check my profile in a sec but it's 3239 - 7039 - 5030
    yes, sorry! I am busy atm so you can just come run in and drop it off if that's okay! :) thank you so much!!
    I can see how it could be abused but for legit trades like ours it's a pain to wait. I want to give you another one. You deserve it. Thank you for offering them!
    It won't let me leave you another WiFi rating until tomorrow. :( I'll do it as soon as I log in tomorrow. Thank you so much!
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