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  • hey please check in at FR, i sold that other bab and sent you half the gems (if you keep waiting imma forget theyre on a CR and spend them by accident lol)
    Ayyye! Been living under a rock forever! Aka school. Apologies about the wait! I'll refund you, since I don't have my Pokemon game on me anyways. How much do I owe you?
    well at the rate my sales are going i'll probably have him still a month from now. ;A; but let me know tho if you want me to hold him for you.

    that imp boy is special, there are only five other imps like him, two of which are his parents in my lair, and they were the fruit of my first serious breeding projects, he is their firstborn! :cool:
    saw ur new user title-- when do you graduate?

    (ach, i havent been able to sell that 2d bab yet; will let you know when i do...)
    hey do you want me to host our dergs' nest? i freed up some lair space; the wind eye colors looks good on bogs, im not sure i would keep one of them instead of selling anyhow so the wind v arcane eyes really doesnt matter to me. if you want, just send your bog by CR, i'll throw some food at him in an hour when i feed my clan and then put our dergs on nest; if youd rather wait and do an arcane nest that's cool too tho... either way, i can feed your derg if u want to send him over (i think if i send you food it goes to oldest dragon or someting, i dunno how to select what dragon to feed, do you?)
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