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  • ahah yeah for sure. I am kinda excited to reset this town I'm doing the giveaway on... 'cause I actually like map resetting :p but my other town is basically done! you can come visit sometime when we're both free <3 but if you wanna just visit the DA it's in my signature too :'D
    heyyy jelly! want your roses today? :) i'll be online for a few hours tonight. doing flower giveaways with the town im resetting soon
    Aw yeah good luck with finals! I'm free Sunday and after as well :) just VM me during the weekend! <3
    hey jelly <3 it's been a while! i'm going to restart my first town soon and i want to give those black roses away if you still want em! sorry it took so long. I just didn't want to play that game u_u let me know if you still need em and when you're available!
    I am available all night and most of tomorrow if you still have him. I apologize for my inactivity cri
    Yes, I'm very sorry about the wait ;o; Can I take him tonight at around 7 PM ish EST?
    No!! Apologies! My internet cut out and no need for extra tbt, I have the pokemon. ALSO, I will be out today from 12:45 EST to 6:15 EST I'm going to another town to see Macbeth!!
    Thank you for VM-ing me! I never check back on the posts and often forget.
    Yes! I still want those delicious pears! And the other items too!
    Hi, just letting you know I'm holding off all trades until tomorrow. I'll be active on the forums, but won't be on my 3DS. Thanks for understanding! :D
    Yeah, Fauna's pic would be awesome! I won't be available because I'm sick and plan on resting :)
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