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  • Sorry about that. I got offline last night and didn't see your message
    Heyaa! I read that you needed a pink balloon! If you'd like, I can give you a pink heart balloon! :3
    Oh right I re-read what I said.. I'm pretty sure the screenshot said "I met you while I was camping in.." such and such.. If I can find it, I'll let you know :D
    I saw a thread the other day that showed Zell moving in from someone's town saying "Hey, I met you in *insert friend's town here*, and you told me to move here to *insert your town here*.. So, here I am!" .. Or something along those lines.. It could've been faked, but it looked pretty real ;o .. That's the only proof I've seen of someone else's camper moving into your town
    That's the best part, your shyness. It adds to your cuteness and it makes you a great mod, one who watches over the forum xP
    I can tell that you're the productive type, who loves editing things. You know so much, and you offer your others your kind services. You must've had a lot of years of experience, as a kid.
    I'd make a request, but you must get a lot every day xD I dun want to bother you (Like I am now :p)
    You're one of those players, where others would feel lucky to play with. Such as having a famous Youtube LP'er as a friend on ACNL.
    I think it's fun to be a girl, because you get to be so pink, and kawaii! That's why some male players use female characters. Your character looks a lot like my secondary character, Miyu. So now she reminds me of you every time I play as her xD But then I guess she'll remind me of every girl who has your hair style :p

    ANYWAYS, thanks for the conversation! It's always good to hear from our lovely mod ^_^
    As long as you're Jennifer, you'll get what you want. There comes times where users only help a user who looks okay, in terms of how well their English is, what their avatar is, etc. As soon as they see you, they'll rush to get you whatever you need (Well at least that's what I'd do xD)

    You're such an old member, I only ever knew about you when they announced the new mods. But you've instantly became my favorite! If I ever need anything, I'll be sure to ask you before anyone else :3
    I don't know if it's just me, but I always look at all mods as if they were celebrities xD
    You're definitely famous/About to be famous
    Dunno why but every time I click on one of your threads and read your posts, I get this tingly feeling inside, and my body starts to feel hot xD
    I don't know much about you, but I can see why you're a mod now. You're very skillful in editing photos. Your drawings are amazing!
    If I had any of those items on your list, I'd give them to you without a price. Giving things freely is what I do across TBT, especially if it's just a piece of clothing that's inexpensive. I've made a ton of users happy, so maybe someday I can do the same for you ^_^
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