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  • Aww thank you! c: I got it done by Dawn. if you want to commission her for bells! The other one in the tiny sig is done by Creamuu! Pretty sure her slots are filled though xD
    ... that is extremely easy to misunderstand. Actually, "until 14th" almost always means that the 14th is the last day.

    I don't have the time to monitor posts.
    Why does it say entries closed it still is December 14th and I wanted to enter on the last day?! T_T
    I hope your Secret Santa sends you a White Feather. If I was in that with you guys and I got your name, I'd end up buying a pack of white feathers and stuff the box with them or something. <3
    I cried when I got the box! On the box there were tags from where it came from and it said: Build-A-Bear.

    I literally cried because who ever my Secret Santa is .. they really don't know how much this even means to me. I've wanted Build-A-Bear since I was a baby and I still can't believe this is actually happening right now.
    Well I just checked up on the tracking number. My gift has reached the UK and passed the sorting facility. I'm going to put myself down as either as well, since I believe it'll reach her house either today or tomorrow?

    Yup! I got my gift from my Secret Santa last week. I picked it up on Friday! :} So yeah, I just need my person to get their gift now.
    I haven't picked yet. :{ My gift hasn't arrived to my person yet, so I don't know which day would be better. It is currently in transit and should arrive this week? According to their estimated time. I'm very conflicted as to what date to choose. <|3

    I'm thinking about it though. The 23rd is definitely too close to Christmas for a lot of people and they'll be busy.
    Haha, I can't imagine which commerical that might be. Living in Quebec, we don't get many English ones either. ROAD TRIP! <3
    Hahah! :p Enjoy your stay in Buffalo. If you see a commercial that really stands out, please tell me. I want to watch it as well. <3
    "The only time I don't bring my 3DS somewhere is if I don't have it (due to it being repaired) and I've had my 3DS since the midnight launch in NY :p I love StreetPass so much."

    How many streetpasses do you have?
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