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  • Okay, because I've noticed that a LOT of people have been selling "Legit" 6IV shiny Legendary Pokemon. Thanks for clarifying! :D
    I have a quick question. Are people allowed to give hacked Pokemon out as long as they say it and are not selling them? Because I was considering opening a Pokegen service thread where I would Pokegen people Pokemon for free, but I can see why that is a problem since people can sell them...
    So if people are selling Pokegen'd Pokemon, is there justification in reporting the thread? I saw your little reminder, and I was wondering what your thoughts are on it. :)
    WOW!!!! just visited ur town via dream suite its THE BEST how do u think of themes and where u get paths and how u get money to pay for villagers and houses and all ur unorderables ugh so many questions......
    Did you manage to get all the easter egg collectibles in the end?

    P.S. no matter what you say, I still think you're the sassiest mod c:
    Haha, I hope you don't think I would ever expect you to abuse your powers. But yeah, it warmed my heart to see several troublesome members banned for this event.
    Ha, too many kids and the smell of eggs everywhere? That's what its like here atm. .___.

    At least I'll get to make my Exeggcute Easter eggs!
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