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  • Hey there, I was just curious as to why you said my thread could encourage rule breaking?

    The purpose of it was the exact opposite, a system where you are rewarded for letting ppl know if their sig size was too big and encouraging them to edit it to be within the rules. I don't see how that can encourage anything but following the rules?
    hi would u like to swap friend codes i would like to visit ur town and if u want to visit my town ur more then welcome to my friend code is 1177-8182-5136 but i will need urs
    Jen! Not spoken for a while :'(
    I have a pink rose in my town if you'd like it!
    Let me know <3
    About the bumping limit~ ^^ (Couldn't reply on time since the thread was closed.)
    Meh. I asked around on Mumble before, and that's what they told me. xD I believe one of them was a mod or something, too? >u< Not sure. Either way, I often see people bumping like every 30 minutes... sometimes even more often. x.x

    In the stickied thread, it says 2 hrs since last post, so idk xD
    Just wanted to say that your tumblr is absolutely adorable, and it made me want to visit your dream address- in which I did. And your town inspired me. It's so SO cute and girly and ahh I LOVE IT. I will be visiting again, that's for sure. Great work!! Xx
    Important: Currently sick with either a really bad cold or minor flu mixing with allergies. If you need something, I'd recommend not PMing me as I don't know if I'll be in the right mindset to respond. Hoping to be better soon :(
    Sorry, I'm dum, I just saw these visitor messages thing on my own profile. xD But yes. My friends agreed when I showed them a picture of Gil though (exactly the same picture I saw you post where you talked about it). That's why Marshal became a dreamie; he's a widdle squirrel Gil. <3 Julian also reminds me of Julius, but mostly because of the name and the fact that he's a unicorn... and "glitter". xD
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