ZetaFunction Jan 1, 2016 yasss bacon popcorn and wtf read the latest post in the birthstone thread i made like wtf and aye, I liked antman xD
yasss bacon popcorn and wtf read the latest post in the birthstone thread i made like wtf and aye, I liked antman xD
ZetaFunction Jan 1, 2016 Ant-Man rip I missed the ball being dropped but it's okay, I had bacon-flavored popcorn
ZetaFunction Jan 1, 2016 XD omg ;o; is your profile picture changing everytime I refresh or is that you changing it?
ZetaFunction Jan 1, 2016 ik I'm just paranoid since last summer there was rumor they were being discontinued in 2k15-2k16 and still omg how did you survive
ik I'm just paranoid since last summer there was rumor they were being discontinued in 2k15-2k16 and still omg how did you survive
ZetaFunction Jan 1, 2016 e.e I wanted it so I could gift it to someone with a saying xD and how did you survive that long omg
ZetaFunction Jan 1, 2016 aLL haIL TeMMie 2k16!!1!!1! btw did you check the shop? o.o I'm wondering if birthstones are discontinued
aLL haIL TeMMie 2k16!!1!!1! btw did you check the shop? o.o I'm wondering if birthstones are discontinued
Paperboy012305 Jan 1, 2016 11k posts, and your account is only 6 months old! Not even a year yet. Congrats to that.
SoftFairie Jan 1, 2016 lmao it's ok It's actually a good song c: I attended a wedding so that was nice lmao but I went out to eat with my family and we just kind of had a family game night then shot fireworks.
lmao it's ok It's actually a good song c: I attended a wedding so that was nice lmao but I went out to eat with my family and we just kind of had a family game night then shot fireworks.