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  • But I've had them for a while(in the dream)? I don't know

    like it came undone?
    agreed. <3 gah.
    i also love run devil run, and mr. taxi by snsd so much.
    She was gonna leave, then she didn't want to, and SM Entertainment kicked her out
    i wish she didn't look so fake in that mv tho, bc taeyeon is a gorgoeus queen. "stress" is one of my fave from her solo album.
    My bias ranking in snsd:

    1. Sunny
    2. Sooyoung
    3. Taeyeon
    4. Tiffany
    5. Jessica (ex member, but she sings really well)
    6. Seohyun
    7. Yuri
    8. Yoona
    9, Hyoyeon (IDK why I just don't like her)
    Thats my fave one now, and you can learn their names with the lyrics. Just click on them from there.

    My favorite is Sunny though <3

    I love her deep and high notes <3

    yeah usually you gotta ask a close friend or someone to try drawing it up for you and go from there, that's how i got eunwyn started. i asked sketch and my rl friend tiffany to draw him and they did and i went from there. <3 anders, i got from gamzee bc they were selling them and i LOVED HIS DESIGN so i bought him and changed his name / created his personality. usually if you want cute / simple ish adopts, check out gamzee when they sell old ocs. most of them are 10/10 imo.
    eun is me if i had pink hair. he's my fave honestly. haha. i love simplicity. <3 i need to design new outfits for them tho ~
    I'll be a k pop friend

    But show me some bts songs lol

    [I really only listen to snsd but~]
    aww <3 i hope you can collect lots of art ! i'd draw for you but i'm lazy and all my work is traditional.
    they did my first signature for free but i insisted that i paid them this time around. in total i offered 800 for them both so 400 each bc i love their doodles so so so so much.
    thank you omg i'm crying over it hatori is 100% amazing i'm so glad they accepted my commission. i want to cry i love them so much.
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