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  • and when I check tbt it really screws up my grades because of being so distracting so I can't 24/7

    i'm happy some people got some items at least, but it just really upsets me when others have to go without just so one or two people can make a massive profit when everyone else has to work their butt off just to get one or two :/
    have you checked the announcements? apparently they're happening all week
    rip my homework, I'm going to have to stalk tbt 24/7 -.- my life wasn't already busy and hellish enough

    lmao the funny part is someone always buys it all and sells for stupid-crazy inflated prices just to earn more tbt to buy more and so on and so forth
    Well, they're his friends and stuff, but apparently he doesn't even really like one of the kids in the group, even though he's always being buddy buddy with the other kid. It's hard to find a time to ask him since all his "friends" are always stuck to him
    maybe he's just trying to cover up the fact that he likes you to his friends. Also, the reason Jack (that's his name), confuses me is because he's part of this group that kind of hates me, only he's really nice to me and talks to me and stuff. and he's so nice, I don't know why he hangs out with the people he does
    Me too, I've been staying up until one am to finish the manga I've been reading and ugh I'm tired. And this one kid at my school confuses me, I need some time away from that
    Ayyye hi ella
    Nothing much, I've been reading this cliche as *** manga though
    How are you?

    So today

    I saw my crush 3 times, was behind him twice and was walking the opposite way once.

    I didn't notice I was walking behind him once cause he's short. He then ran and hugged a teacher (but he's just weird). He was also trying to trip his friend with a broken arm. And he was just talking.

    OHH YEAH (lol sorry) I also saw him in the gym after lunch playing with a balloon and he looked so cute for some reason (he tried to eat the balloon)
    no it just faded because yoongi dyed it that color for Golden Disk Awards (electric blue)

    also, some of his Kim dailies are old photos (although I wouldn't mind if he dyed it back tbh he looks good either way) but he had pink hair last week in an awards show
    I think sugas hair just faded.

    also white hair yongguk??

    im uncomfortable..

    alllll I sayyyy isss
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