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  • I am literally almost done with ur signature except for the fact that I am telling you when I asked you the question of your dreamies you listed

    Dreamies: Ankha, Diana, Marshal, Fauna, Beau, Fuchsia, Zucker, Marina, Bob, Stitches

    but on the first request you added tia on both so i excluded tia based on your current answer. I hope this is right? XD anyways besides that I am done will post in a minute
    okay the town name etc can it be a little outside of the border 3d style or inside the border ? You didnt answer that part XD
    Hi i updated your request with some questions please answer them before I BEGIN THANK YOU :D
    great! i'm selling turnips atm, should be done in 20-30 mins lol
    i'll vm you when my gates are open c:
    Hi :) Sorry for the delay. Neat. I'm bad at pricing in btb. How about...following prices?
    Holiday stocking, Bell knickknack ...40 btb ea
    Villager's picture... 10 btb ea
    I'm quite unsure though. Maybe I should look through how much they usually go for. Well we can start from there. Btw I added some stuff in my trading thread.
    hello! your order of 3 orange roses and 4 black roses are ready for pickup!
    tell me when you're available as I'm off to bed now~
    "Bell Tree Bell" is a forum currency. Some people prefer BTB over IGB ( in-game bell ). Exchanging rate is various. What I saw these days are 100 BTB = 4mil to 8mil, depending on each person.
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