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  • hello! i'm really really sorry for not checking the thread earlier! do you think that we could trade in five or so minutes?
    It would actually be worth much more than that. Closer to 1.6mil, in fact.
    Someone recently has listed their Wedding Cake at 20 BTB.

    100 BTB goes for 8mil.
    8mil/100 = 80,000.

    So each BTB is about 80k.
    And then 80k*20 = 1,600,000.

    So I would say at the very least, 1mil would be nice.
    In my shop so I can keep track! ty. If you cannot find my shop just click on ur signature and itll lead you there :) If i do not respond in 2 days then post in my wall ty!
    check the same post i edit it :) Also I will add you now. you can open~ once you add me
    hello! since you expressed interest in the black tulip, please VM when you will be avilable to trade! :]
    I figured why you picked blue when you wanted font to be pink matchy with background XD! Okay no problem. I will do that for free this one time.

    also please leave feedback in my shop once I update it on my site in a bit :D
    Haha okay. I am here to fulfill your request so if i got it wrong and you wanted tia in there.. I can make that correction for you :) Thanks! Please leave feedback in my shop. (I love reading responses)
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