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  • That is totally fair, I agree it does get annoying.
    Alright these are the hybrids, tell me if you don't have them:
    Black Tulips x 10
    Black Lillies x 10
    Black Roses x 10
    Orange Cosmos x 10
    Orange Roses x 10
    Orange Lillies x 10
    Pink Lillies x 10
    Pink Tulips x 10
    Blue Pansies x 10
    Blue Rosex x 10
    I honestly don't mind, if I were to come and collect some and place 'em down you tell me the price?
    Hey I saw a post about hybrids on someone's page, could I get some for tbt? You just tell me how much I've got to pay. ^^
    thanks so much :'D i will, im currently laying them out in my town rn ^_^ if i get more tbt ill let u know!
    oh no i was hoping this didn't happen. this happens when someone is too far away. Why don't i come to your town and get my flowers there?
    You're welcome and of course! I'm still keeping the Pokemon shop for awhile though, so don't worry about that. :blush: I'm just going to make a wait list so it's not TOO hectic, hahaha. In the beginning, it would fine, but it started taking up all my free time. But I'll still be here and willing to take orders for people! ^^ Also, I'm always playing ACNL and Pokemon with my fiance. Once I get a New 3DS, maybe we can all hang out in-game sometime!
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