Thank you so much for bearing with me through all the internet interruptions! I'm not sure why this afternoon is so terrible. D: I hope you enjoy your Pokemon though, hun!
I think Blazee is cute nickname for Blaziken! Is that what you want for sure? And his FC is 3840-5225-1588. Feel free to keep him added, he's a really sweet guy and even I use his 3DS a lot!
Just to review... You wanted all shiny, all holding mega-stones: Charmander, Torchic, Buneary, Absol, Mawile, and Mareep, right? Am I forgetting anything?
I'm almost done eating! Just wanted to let you know that I'm going to trade your Pokemon over through my fiance's ORAS game since most of the mega stones you ordered aren't compatible with XY. His IGN is going to be John again. Thank you for being so patient!
Since you have posted more than 3 times in the thread about entering more than once, to enter more than once you either have to follow me on tumblr or send 5btb for additional entries. Since you only posted once and didn't do the above mentioned, I can only give you one entry. Sorry hun.
*poke* Charmander doesn't learn Speed Boost, silly. I'm in bed so I'll respond to your order tomorrow but of course it's accepted as always! x'D Thank you so much!