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  • I have about 20 cedar saplings if you want them. I thought I sent you I private message yesterday, but my inbox was full, and it didn't send. Anyway, I don't really know how much they go for, so make an offer. Thanks.
    Your an admin right??? Well i could use some help with the site TBT, at the top of the page it has this yellow thing eith a number 1 in it indicating i have a message, when i click it it says you have 1 visitor message, so i click again and veiw all my messages but the yellow button at the top dosnt go away its confusing i never know when i really have a message how do i make it go away ive veiwed all of my visitor messages :(
    Dealing with some personal stuff. This is the first time I've been online at all since the 5th.
    I should be around a little bit more now that I can access the internet.
    Hi, Justin, I was wondering if you could give me some advice about my AC:NL town? I'm really conflicted because my town layout just doesn't have room for big community projects like the police station or the cafe. At most, I'd be able to build one of the two without my town looking cramped or messy, so I may reset my town for a better layout. Sure, I'd be able to TT and get most of my stuff on Main Street & the Island back, but my favorite villager, Marshal, currently lives in my town and I don't know if he'll move into the new one. And, even if I set the date to June 9, it wouldn't quite be the same as an original town, y'know? So what would you do? Keep, or reset?
    Thank you for the advice. :)
    I was wondering if for the art contest I could sculpt it but, the rules only said hand drawn or digital. I wouldn't be using the 3d sculpting that was brought up in the thread. Nope, I would be using clay! Just checking because I don't want to spend time on this have it be denied!
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