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  • I'm calling Maiden Kaiaa over to the restocks thread. Off-topic posting needs to be swept by a broom (referencing post deletion).
    (Yay I have internet again!) I'm going to get this units test back tomorrow! I can't wait to see my score, and maybe I'll get out of the "extra help" group.

    What I don't get about that though is that they base that you need extra help by your last test. It's like "But this makes PERFECT sense. Please, I don't need help, OK?".
    I hope I'm not bugging you too much but I had a dream that you were Queen of the Basement. After that you left TBT. I have odd dreams. I don't even know why I would have that dream. I have nothing more to say, bye.
    When no admins or moderators are shown in the Currently Active Users section, I almost feel like a sense of lawlessness falls over TBT.
    I just realized that the majority of the posts I made today was on that thread. I'm just WOW!
    Did you know that I'm on this site like almost all the time. I log in through my phone when I'm at school or when I'm out of town. I won't listen to Elsa.
    I wonder what I should nickname this avatar. First one I saw was Princess Kaiaa. Then there's Winter Girl Kaiaa. What about this one?
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