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  • Yeah. Accidently wrote the wrong whole, addition instead of subtraction, missed a whole number in my answer, forgot to simplify, had a better answer, and something on the last one I can't figure out. So many mistakes I could've read and got 100%.
    I knew why I had a two, I'm okay with a three. On my tests I miss 4 and get a score too low and need to go to a math group. But I go to fast and don't read.
    Hey Kaiaa, did you get my report? It's not the post that's bad, it's how the user edited the name that I find offensive.
    Yeah they do...It's hard to see my mom under a lot of stress...

    SEPs are coming up in the first week of February, so is end of level testing. I can't wait to see my math score. (It was a two in October)
    2015 is going horribly for my mom and dad already. We are having problems with the Goverment.

    BUT, I am getting better with missing assignments! I haven't missed any this month! :)
    Thank you Kaiaa for today on the Ankha Thread. I do apologize if I was out of line. Now I know what to do best. Report it and ignore it rather than responding, I don't want to add any fuel to the fire! Again thank you and have a good night ^o^
    Do you play "Quick, before the mods come" anymore? Now only Thunder and Gandalf control the count.
    I am so sorry for what GaMERCaT did to all of you mods. I know it's none of my business, but I saw what he did.

    You don't have to reply to this VM if you don't want to. I just wanted to show sympathy.
    dango dango dango dango dango

    dead dangos dead dangos dead dangos dead dangos dead dangos
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