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  • non! pourquoi je ne peux pas mettre mon anonnce? pour donner mon villager gratuitement à quelqu'un?
    Hello just a quick question am I allowed to give a negative to someone who is hoarding the toothpaste?
    Fine thanks! You? The re-stock was so hectic yesterday! I got the green candy in my cart 4 times but my stupid phone wouldn't let me go to checkout... I can't wait for the next re-stock today! :D
    People on this site have been ignoring me. I don't get why they don't like me anymore.
    I never thought of your avatar that way before! :eek:

    Imagine 10 of these running around everywhere! :

    I would just die from the adorableness. <3

    We need different colour Yoshi eggs next easter by the way. ;D
    I want to see the day where all of your yoshi eggs hatch and then go off to find the super happy tree! :eek:
    Focusing on getting a job, artwork, vocal work, ACNL, and such. XD;;

    And you're right, again. I just tend to not easily put up with things anymore, and will stand my ground. I don't intend to be rude to anyone on here, but, I'm glad there are supportive people here rather than a lot of ones who would want to tear me down.
    Yeah, you're right. I guess my shyness can betray me sometimes with paranoia. XD;

    But you're right, a lot of them appear quite awesome. I guess I just am being too over protective of myself. x:

    But besides that. What's new with you?
    I'm hungry. And sleepy. And blah.

    I noticed there's some drama between people on here more than I expected. ouo;

    I was lurking on profiles to see if anyone would be a friendly person to talk to... But some... I'm not so sure about, you know? I don't want to just dive in, and then, get screwed over. :c Can you understand?
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