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  • Dem Yoshi eggs doe. Do you think think they'll ever be available again? I'm hoping we'll see them next easter :D
    Gained 2,500 exp. for getting kind words. Self esteem leveled up to level 2 ......... What?! Lack of confidence is evolving (insert evolving theme here) Congratulations lack of confidence evolved into I can do it! YEAAAAAAHHHHHH!
    Hi! Kaiaa! :D I have a question, are the pokeball collectibles going to restock in November?

    Thanks! :)
    Yaaaay. :D Thanks for the help! I never want to break the rules here. x.x;
    Of course. Paypal would eventually be linked in my dA though. But dA is dA.

    I hope that's okay. o-o
    Nononono. It'd be through different ways. Not through the forum. Don't worry! :D I'd especially link to dA and such. And I do art for other programs too. So thats why I need to. xD;;;
    Thanks! I'd love all the advertisement or knowledge I get from my shop. I hope to open a paypal account so I can get money for my digital artwork. x.x;
    I spent like 15-30 minutes looking for an item answer to a person's question.

    Someone else answered it before I could find it. UGH.

    But I'm good. Finally had the courage to do an art shop on here. c:
    Do you have the items I mentioned in my cataloging quest thread? I don't care who helps me.
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