lol hi! sorry i've just been kind of busy with a few things lately. my uncle died today, so i was helping my mom get ready to go down to socal. :c but how are you doing? i finally got marina today....... so that was on the plus side.
1. New layer. Soft black brush 250 pixels. Brush sides. Lower opacity to 50%
2. New layer > apply image. Burn sides with 300 pixel soft brush
3. New layer. Soft white brush 400 pixels. Brush top and set to soft light 80%.
4. Gradient map, B/W, set to luminosity at 60%
5. New later > apply image > Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen > 100%
You're burning it too much. See how it gets pixilated? you need to create a new layer, grab a 200~300 pixel soft brush, make the color black, and brush the sides. Then lower to opacity to around 60~50%. Try that.
But guess what! I'm not such a noob now on sigs or gifs in general.
I googled how to make an animation and I'm going to try making one soon.
I'd like to be critiqued by a master though.
I just need to figure out how you mix more than 1 gif animation together.
Like Madoka giving chocolates, but having cherry blossoms moving behind at the same time.
The layering process would make that difficult right??
Ughh, my brain hurts. xD