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  • requests for love live characters?? :-o
    tbh I don't know them THAT well but I looked them all up and nico and umi seem the coolest to me too haha. do we have similar taste or what

    I FEEL U BRO, rock music is either boring or is grating and repetitive. there's literally no in-between - especially if it's "indie rock" -_-;
    though alternative and hard rock is a lot better, since it's not bland, lol
    ISN'T THAT THE SAME THING nah I'm just joking, we all know kags is a dork & cutie... you know, when he doesn't have his homicidal face on :-/
    though compared to some other characters he fits the cutie description better OMG CAN YOU TELL WHO I'M TALKING ABOUT

    ahh you're a dork in a good way!! it makes you the same as kags, a dork AND a cutie c:
    ugh @God find a way to get the both of us HHA. I need to be able to do that thing where I can pick up villagers, lmao. that's the main reason I want the game, after seeing gifs of people doing it
    Kanaaa, I'm sorry if I said something that was upsetting, it wasn't my intention :< //hug//
    I HAVE A FRIEND WHO USED TO BE SUCKED INTO THAT HELL... rip Kanaa, I'll make a tombstone with kags on it for you :'-[
    hmmm but is the game really that good...

    huh really, people usually think I'm more into rock music :-o
    and it used to be true, until I realized how boring rock can be -_-' (no offense to anyone who likes rock tho...)
    and nah you're not predictable!! like, when I first saw you around in the museum section I was surprised you liked kageyama since he's such a dork and I thought you were a cool kid/"undorky" (IS THAT EVEN A WORD) person before I talked to you :p

    ah no I didn't ;-; it honestly sucks that it costs more than New Leaf. OTL my wallet is crying rn.....
    did you get it though?? I'll be pretty jelly if you did bc HHD looks pretty good from what I've seen of it!!
    and damn that's right, how could I forget. orchestra members are way classier than band members :-/
    band people probably wouldn't agree with me though, lmao

    LOL I can buy that, people usually think of skrillex when someone says "dubstep" or "electro" music anyways :p
    what abum I would rec for one ok rock? I'd say jinsei x boku =. IT IS A MASTERPIECE FROM FRONT TO BACK. their latest album 35XXXV is rad as well but no good versions of it have been uploaded on youtube yet, OTL
    I PREDICTED YOU WOULD SAY DAWN. coincidentally that's the aimer album I've been listening to the most; her osts are pretty rad bc of her really cool voice!!
    also I mentioned before that I recognized her name and YE IT'S BECAUSE SHE SANG THE UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS OP
    it's okie ;A; I failed my bible quiz xD but I did ok for my alg. One! (Surprisingly enough haha)
    THAT WASN'T AS BAD AS THAT ONE TIME I SENT LIKE 6 OF THE SAME VM, this always happens when my mobile devices get vengeful :-I
    woow kanaa no way are you fooling me, orchesta MAY BE FULL OF DORKS but it's really full of talented dorks B]
    and you look classy while playing instruments!! how cool can band geeks get, y'know? :p

    skrillex :-/
    oh boy you have no idea how much I'm mentally side-eyeing your bro rn, he got you to listen to FAKE electro/dubstep. FAKE, I tell you. I feel like skrillex is a total wannabe tbh
    ahaha that's the first time I've heard someone say ONE OK ROCK is soothing, they usually get me hyped af lol. but their slower songs are seriously so good as well.

    that is reassuring but also gross to think about a spider walking on your tongue
    I pray for the people who sat still for that experiment
    UGH so cute ;A; i want to hug his face lol

    you have healed my eyes ;u; i've been working for 5 hrs now
    You're in orchestra :-o
    Wow that is seriously way cool!! I had a feeling you would have a lot of mad skillz ;-]
    yeee I'm like that with a bunch of genres too!! So I get you, haha. Which bands did your bro get you to listen to tho? I'm curious hehe
    And I've been listening to Aimer and she's got a super nice voice!! Her latest album is pretty rad haha. What's your fave song of hers?

    ahh boys are so hard to draw =u= mines look like girls haha
    i took a really short nap on the bus as well xD i really miss sleep :c
    ty ;u;
    aw ;A; I actually had some bad stomach aches yesterday o.e Will I be able to see it once ur done? :rolleyes: lol I'm writing this in class ^^; I've been good but I'm worried about a debate we'll be having in class.
    lol I'll take your word for it, rock that ahoge man B]

    classical music is honestly the ****. I swear it sounds otherwordly sometimes, must be the classy vibes it gives off
    personally I prefer to listen to electronic/dubstep/rap music bc I love good instrumentals/bgms and those genres are usually full of those :-]
    though I like some jpop/jrock too!! my favorite jrock band ever is ONE OK ROCK, they are just seriously so good I LOVE ALL OF THEIR ALBUMS & I RECOMMEND THEM TO EVERYBODY. I've got to check out Aimer though, they sound familiar o_o

    what the hell?? o m g a bug holy crap I heard that apparently everyone has eaten at least 1 spider in their life but that is pretty weird
    Hello :) Sorry I was in Florida for a vacation so I couldnot be on. ^_^ I will be on TBT daily again. I'm pretty down, I was recently diagnosed with depression and did stuff I regret. But, I don't really like talking about that stuff. How have you been? ^_^
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