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  • Hey! Whenever you're available tell me and I can either open my gates or come pick up the flowers! I'll also send the tbt when you tell me!
    I would love the Brewster Gyroids! I can provide all of the Brewster items, I will just need a little bit to find them!
    Thanks again! And you'll hear from me soon for your home-interior shop once my newer character is set up! c:
    It's Saturday tomorrow so it's allowed xD alright I am off to bed. See ya then later. Say hi to Red for me if you see Red soon.

    Happy designing (if that what are you doing).
    Hybrids breed like crazy in my town (due to time travel.. Lol).
    What time zone are you? Mine is GMT +3 and it's 2 am already.
    Good luck with your home designing! Saw your thread long ago and you do a really splendid job c: I once had 2 shops: at TBT and Retail sub forum but I can't manage so I close the Retail one. Also my Cycling town thread has been abandoned quite awhile ;_; So I understand your busyness well!

    You can check this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M5iFrxH4Qg
    And here a text explanation: https://www.reddit.com/r/3DS/comments/326iez/tip_for_people_having_trouble_catching_bosses_in/

    I can't explain well about 'wobble' so you might want to search in Youtube how it looks like.
    What are you busy doing lately? I have exams next week so I will be busy soon.

    I got Lugia after reading all the tips how to catch a legendary. I even downloaded the tips videos :p
    It's okay ^^ It's just that I haven't played for a while, and I was surprised because the "black" flowers look almost like reddish brown. I was wondering if that's just my bad eyesight or if it's really like that xD
    I am in no hurry. Chrissy is so difficult to move out. She's adorable but not really my fave xD Have you found all your dreamies?

    I just caught Lugia in Pokemon Rumble! I die of happiness.
    I am on now, sorry I had to go to work.
    not sure how late ill be up, pretty tired
    also would you be able to put my room request that i did earlier today into a slot when one opens up?
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