TikiBones May 22, 2015 Adding you now You'll have to follow me to a spot where you can drop the flowers off, because there's no room by my train station.
Adding you now You'll have to follow me to a spot where you can drop the flowers off, because there's no room by my train station.
N N NovaMittens May 21, 2015 Alright, just a sec I'm trading with someone right now, sorry. It'll only be a few minutes
spunkystella May 21, 2015 I do prefer my ACNL name, it's my pen name for everything. Even the MC forums
spunkystella May 21, 2015 Hey uhh... it says you're playing on my Friends List but I can't best friend message you?
spunkystella May 21, 2015 LMAO BTW I saw your shop, I think it's a GREAT idea! It's weird having people call me by my ACNL name ^.^ but I love it
LMAO BTW I saw your shop, I think it's a GREAT idea! It's weird having people call me by my ACNL name ^.^ but I love it
spunkystella May 21, 2015 You know how you said you have an unhealthy addiction to ACNL... well... I have an unhealthy addiction to the forums. I feel like I do more forums than the actual game LOLZ
You know how you said you have an unhealthy addiction to ACNL... well... I have an unhealthy addiction to the forums. I feel like I do more forums than the actual game LOLZ
Hatori May 21, 2015 Great, thank you very much! Please don't mind the mess! I'll open now ^^ 64 BTB for everything, correct?
Great, thank you very much! Please don't mind the mess! I'll open now ^^ 64 BTB for everything, correct?
P P pietro07 May 21, 2015 Hello when your online could you pm me? I'd like to pick up my lil' animals