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  • ahh sweet! and yeah ik i could use some quiche uhuh especially since public transport is so darn expensive
    yeah they have some good stuff but yeah you could tell it was like 2000s indie people going there mostly lol

    ayy nope gotta go look!
    actually yes, not really what i listen to in general and such but yeah it was a nice evening : D

    this swedish band called mando diao, indie rock stuff :3
    hahah yea for sure man hope you can cope, aye ;3

    im tired too cause i went to this concert and had some booze lel but im aight
    ikr?? like brah...why do you even write it up lol.. i mean most film books we had was relevant at least so that's good and at least not 4 each class like wtf
    yeah i think one class about swedish film there was one book you could dl cause we read like idek one chapter from it and we never used it otherwise.
    what the actual frickle frack? dang yea i always try to find like pdf's or stuff online and you always get the book lists late if you don't get in during the first round so ya lol :/
    yeah and you can't really get them as pdfs either and yeah there were quite some people on my class so yeah idek if you can borrow like that either.
    yeah like 4 expensive **** on just a few weeks and yeah but tbh i feel stressed af because other things so i'll see.
    yeah my class have been cray as well like idk if i actually wanna continue because tbh i love the subjects and what they take up but they squeezed in like **** in less than 3 weeks now and then one larger tests. and they want us to get like 4 books randomly uh no way jose.

    gl turt bb <3 hope you can recover :3
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