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  • yeah i think it's like 300 bucks a month and stuff and since i still live at home it's aight (you can take loans for more if you need like if you live alone etc.)

    but yeah idek, it feels like i really need to take care of stuff and try looking for a job to get some real quiche and try to get more independent.. which will probably change my life quite a lot and stuff.. but idek i had a talk about all of it with my bf some weeks ago when i was at their place... idk i feel like i just need to do some stuff both for me and for him.. i mean he is really understanding and i guess he doesn't want me to suffer either and idk he changed my life a lot.. i guess i can try talking to his dad as well if i go there cause he's a great listener and i think i'm ready to move in the right direction even if financially might be a bit crap until i would get a job in that case.
    thanks, i do too <3 i mean yes i need the money you get for obvious reasons but argh i wish my life was less messy rn
    aye, nice hope you're gunna have fun =D

    uni started today and tbh it seems really interesting bc this first class is like fashion history and i'm a sucker for anything history tbh lol but at the same time i have quite some irl issues i need to take care of and idek if i can do it all now...
    i hope *hug hug hug hug* <3 i mean the test wont be until late september iirc but yeah im so used to writing papers or do like smaller assignments, i head i never had a huge test since first film class, at one part we had a smaller one that i did p good on
    yeah i mean i don't have trouble learning per se, but like stuffing my head with for remembering to like one day only with a test ugh..

    ahh that's cool though wish i had easier time, but i can manage i just need to prepare ^^
    that's cool omg ;o i don't think they'd do it at this high level though .. you p much need to sit quiet and just fill out things, then hand it in and quietly leave lol.
    thats good, i wish i was easier with actual tests :[ i mean i can like write a gud paper/essay/assignment just give me proper preparations but just stuffin' my head for like one large time ugh
    yeah it does, sucks that we mainly have like actual larger tests rather than writing papers/essays cause they are way easier for me, well well.
    ye sure is, you should come here and see all the kids in old town be like OMFGZORS MAROWAKS!!!11shift lol

    ugh that sucks =[ get better <3!
    sorry that wildfires interfered with your contest involvement- -hope everything is okay out there!!
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