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  • yeah i guess i could use trick balls cause they look exactly the same but smh spending 15 bucks on that ew
    ye i got away with taking photo of the others in the stores lmao but ffs only golf balls i found where those that like goes up in smok when u hit them or kids ones aaah have ta ask if ic an use those
    yee ppl are gunna be like wtf you doing bro? i figure security thought the same when I was taking a picture of ours here XD
    mmm yis

    also dang no small cereal things here well i gotta go to the mall anyways because i need an usb cable
    ye coffee and yoghurt and sometime those veggie/chili smoothie juice stuff. but ye in general i don't like eating breakfast unless i need to.
    ye that i think that would be against the rules cause then they have to give everyone staff fav stuff and it's too obvious

    yeah i hope we have like small ones here cause neither me nor mom eats em so lol
    ye i think like most malls or train station has them so i just gotta be discreet lmao also i think i have to go to the store photographing dat golf ball cause i cant find mine frick
    haha probably somewhere stuff always disappear here haha.

    yeah that one has to be public or i'm going to grandma for it cause not buying those are expensive haha.
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