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  • ye it's fun but i hate the overly pixel areas, idek what format it was saved in cause some things are really narrow o well i'll manage haha
    saw you had concerns about your poem--
    I'm sure it's still one of your better dirty limericks though...
    ayy same <3 but yeah the bucket tool is good but since it sometimes hits pixels rather than whole areas it goes kinda slow lol :/
    yeah might fix some colors on the dress so it looks better as a whole cause i think i had a bit too many tones lmao
    aye hope they approve man :3

    also almost done with the rough work coloring on the bucket thing, just need to finish the villager and smooth some lines out and color some tiny areas
    aye yay they brought that back too sweet quiche i just need to get an usb cable i think cause the one mother turt has is too new for my phone, i only have iphone 4s and they still use that larger ones hah
    yeah if u can dl it i recommend firealpaca, the bucket tool can be a bit hard on the tiny parts but in general it work, you might have to smudge things out but ya
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