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  • also ugh mom put on some dumb "classic rock" radio channel like lol most crap are just 90s or 00s stuff or just covers ...
    ikr im tempted to buy another 3ds just cause >< i shouldn't but meh

    ugh that sucks turt bb you have like eydrops or cucumber or something? D:
    yee shame i didn't even get 1 i mean i did pass lots of tourists and these cruising ships places and just lotsa people in general but nooo :(
    ye i think i got that on the 3ds i had before the one i have now but then i got hits like everyday and also stayed at bf's for like idek 5 days so
    ye sometimes i go lurk this electronics store just to see if i can get unless i go to my bf's house cause he and his bro has 3ds'es so that's good.. you might get if you go to like tourist areas cause it's bigger outside my country apparently lmao
    well it was on the train so probably someone just outside on the station but ye i don't mind.. also i p much have to go to nintendo zones here to get stuff unless im lucky :v
    hhahaha i guess i had a noice time last night though mango also i got a streetpass hit on the way home like bruh who carries their **** outside at 11pm+ lolll
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