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  • rip phone haha

    also yeah i love how pocket camp takes like 7 hours for a pizza but like 3 mins for a sofa lmango
    yeah idk like yeah if you're unlucky you will get burglar no need to write me a 100 page manual for it jesus -_-

    not yet about that bc he hardly have time to see me lol other than for like lunches and i don't think it's a public matter lol
    yeah he has this big heavy safe that he puts stuff in like.. i mean from the times he's been away maybe once there was a serious black out with the electricity but tbh mostly there's been nothing aside from a few bills i had to scan in and e-mail to him

    and i don't like being there either I just do it so he doesn't flip tbh -_-
    sounds fun but yeah we need sleep.

    also i swear my dad is the most paranoid human being ever.. like he's going away for a month now and getting back after xmas.. he asked like can you check on the house and if i need to pay a bill and stuff i'm like.. sure. then he was like indirectly OMG IM SO WORRIED THERE ARE SO MANY BURGLARS AROUND I GOTTA SHOW YOU EVERYTHING THAT NEEDS TO BE CHECKED like.. bruh chill why are you even going if you can't relax like if there's a burglar just bad luck and don't keep expensive stuff in the light lol
    yeah or at least tell me she's like short on dough maybe it can be my xmas gift to her?? lol

    ugh jerk mom why are parents always so jerk :(
    I think amiami had some if you don't mind the Japanese one although they seem to open and close orders so better keep an eye everyday there...

    Goood luck man. I wanna buy tix for a concert but mom is being dumb bc she wanna go as well and I'm like.. should I buy for us or not??? lol
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