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  • Yes, those are my boys - Nicodemus & Justin. They're cute but a handful some days. Thank you! :D
    yeah i mean still the cheapest switch i've seen here is like over $350 for just the console and most are like over $400 esp. the bundle ones so yeah price down on either kthx.
    yeah it was kinda fun bc it's not her style at all haha.

    yeah i mean next real game will probs be for switch which kinda sucks seeing it's so expensive here
    btw talking about hippie stuff, got this real cool 70s hippie skirt from my grams last night, think she made it herself actually, just need to wash it before i use it since it's been buried in a sofa for like 45 years lol
    lol i need dolares so many pretty hippie shirts i wants/need man.

    also thinkingggg if i should get ultra moon bc it's probably gonna be the last proper pokingmaynz game for 3ds but idk
    Ha, nice! I never knew about that, interesting to learn. I'd just thought it to be a difference in size (ravens being larger) and that ravens were particularly intelligent. Thanks for sharing. :)
    yeah i mean there are loads of island turt and then you can catch softshell turt something during summer yes burgle em all
    Yeah... I mean the undercover hides everything and the default gets boring unless they add like random ninty stuff to it so yeah.. and yeah i loved woods theme :(
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