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  • Oh my gosh, I can't stop drinking water tonight. I stuffed myself with water yet I'm still thirsty. I wonder why this is happening?
    yasss sandra jullien's sexy poem :'D

    also hope your sinus crap and shizz go away.. im freezing here i want coffee meow
    i found this vinyl record ive been wanting 5ever.. like 80+ bucka but whatevs

    omg ikr :[ glad u could pee maaaan
    yea there is this rly good dank sushi place in town where they have awesome sake. had dinner there with a friend once it was soo dank <3 hope you can!

    also wasn't too cold outside so might pop into town laters
    Aww man, it is still very stupid that it didn't arrive then. And that sucks, i wish money wasn't this important in life...

    Anywayyy how were your holidays?
    yass i want sake too it's so good to get drunk on ahah <3 jk it's so good tho!

    mm dank sushi and miso!
    ya D: aw ugh man hope you get rid of it *hugs*

    think im gunna jav dank sushi for lunch like i jav 0 effort cooking sht meow
    ya me too my teacher like writing fluffy directions tho so i hope i can do it good :3 and ya it's fun depending on how it's formulated and the subject too

    also my ass is burning send help
    ikr!!! also vladimir and buck gtfo my town creepers i hate buck so much aaah.

    thats awesome mango i kinda wanna go back to school but i think we gonna write finals in a week and then i think we only jav two days left where we actually jav to go to school :[
    i dont like em either but he was my "starter" smug so.. ya lol

    as long as i dont get samson i s2g his voice is so creepy also that one with hole-y cheeks is so creepy
    yeah this was like about 1970s sweden which is interesting asf :/ oh well i can always check youtube. maybe.

    oh yass i love watching like weird animal ones and ocean stuff.
    me too and his japanese name i jun so it's kawaii asf <3

    also ugh im super bummed right meow cause they aired this rly good documentary on telly yesterday and i missed it :( and they couldn't put it up online either probs bc copyright ****
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