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  • lel bad void xD

    yeah his furniture is alright but i dont want him lel oh well i got marshal yesterday he's such a cutie <3
    yeah i dont think that many stores offer to shorten them for you.. well i think one does but they only jav ugly and expensive jeans anyways :(

    also got chadder to move finally.. i s2g that mouse :(
    ikr... :( also why are like every nice pair of flare pant made for 10 feet tall ppl.. come on stupid stores
    also morning <3

    and frack it's so cold here, i hope i can find some stockings or longjohns here cause it's actually way colder than it is uuugh i wanna go into town :(
    Err i think that this means it hasn't arrived yet?

    I will send you another one as soon as possible! I am so sorry that you have to wait this long :(

    Anyway how are you doing?
    I know what you mean. I keep leaving, but I always find myself coming back, lol. I'm here, for now ^-^
    ayy mangoes olivia finally moved lel hope i can get a new nice villager =D

    also gotta love jake. and their bell tree awards =D
    ahh nice i want more stuff of yukio mishima but they only like jav part 1 2 and 4 of a series and not the third one i think bleh xD
    yeah i dont care for a lot of pwp other than main street one and museum floor and cafe xD but ya sounds fair enough :D
    cause it was thick and lumpy asf :[

    also mangoes got olivia to move finally like frick i dont want that cat meow
    yes i am they almost broke my thumb :mad:

    i think i got most of it now tho meow i had to pour milk in it to get it out like wtf
    oh yeah k k ftw <3

    that sucks also i ****in give up on this can i cant even get it out with a hammer.. f u mom
    oh ya totes if im on. =D

    and yas gotta love diving for shizzmangoes also i think i got it open somewhat lel fricking can
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