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  • Oh i like them with that sticky stuff too. I had never heard of that sits , but now im finding all kinds i want on there. I seem to have a thinh for socks lately lol
    Thank you for taking the time ans answering me!
    Hello, if you dont mind me asking you , which thigh highs do you buy. Plus size or non?
    I always have a hard time finding the right size ones too.
    hey haha

    so you were in the valley fire?? do you still live up there or did you have to find a new house? *^*

    we got a lot of the smoke from it here
    also omg this persona who wanted one of my poitox bbs never replied like it doesn't take like 3 days to get treas and make room for a baby rly
    lel actually not and i had like 4 strong beers and a whisky but i had like pretend nachos with some dip at the place so im good haah. my ears are still a bit fuzzy but im good =D
    sure had =D scott gorham says hi :p it was soo awesome and got kinda wasted lmango and i started 9 today lol!
    Do you mean Labelle and the regular KK? Because DJ KK and Sable aren't in series 2 right?
    ya they are gooood. ya lol i hardly listen to radio other than this pretend classic rock one..sometimes they have old mostly it's like 90s 00s bad covers
    aight yeah i bought some sludge as well cause i kept getting like red and yellow lmao when i needed green

    x_x ya so good song though
    ahh yea sometimes you just wanna hit the loudspeakers..

    i got like 4 chests and i brewed the alchemy ones i think (opalesque and the sd one)
    lol what they are not goth lmao. it's scott gorham from thin lizzy and some new dudes playing with him.. playing neo-classic rock and old lizzy classics :3
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