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  • She's like just enjoy and i just can not, everytime i see it in my shelve i feel so bad lolol

    Do have a DJ KK amiibo card already btw?
    Whoa that is so kind! Your friends must be really happy with you lmao

    Also i need to think of something to give to you because i can't just accept something without giving something back in return. The Pennifer recently just sent me a Peach amiibo figure and a DJ KK card for free and i feel so bad that i am not able to send a figure back ;v; (Figures are really scarce here)
    ahh yaA true that man

    guh i have so much to do today but at least concert tonight =D which is fun cause i jav early school tomorrow haha ;
    Ah i envy you, i only live once rip. Also i wanted to order a booster box but i only care for a japanese Wendy! So i decided to just wait until they show up in stores here, they should be available right now but eh, The Netherlands always gets shipments late.

    That is so nice of you! I wish i could do something similar but i don't even have one series 2 card
    Oh well that is unfortunate :(. I hope you feel better soon!

    And you're right! I think that it is very important to get something you really like once in a while. I mean, you only live once right?
    So pumpedddd thank you so so much (i know that there is no guarantee you will get a duplicate but still)!!!
    Where did you get it?

    Also how are you doing? haven't spoke to you in a while ;v;
    i ship moko and kaydee as well ;) <3

    yeah i actually got that brand, not the very thinnest brand cause it'd take ages but yeah those are more like marker-ish/fiber pens so yeah those are great =D
    that sucks :( i've been working on essay past days and grinding coli like mad so i'm tired asf too... hope you get better! *hug*

    ya although i do need more coloring pens aahh
    got one of the books, it's random patterns mostly like paisley, flowers, mandals and things but totes worth it :D
    aight i guess it differs cause i'd be feeling weird if i had that much a day. a few glasses is enough for me or i get all pee-y and swollen.

    also gunna jav some coffee and maybe get one of those books or something
    or idk if it helps its good but my head would feel weird if i did mangoes like that

    also i should so get outside but i need so much coffee eow
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