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  • uuughhh :( must suck so hard.

    but yaaa i was like that when i had to restart cause there were like two quests from that chain i failed and i was.. really do i need to do it again :(
    yea it's a large game

    ah i never cared for challenges, i just liked running around and complete stuff and level up i guess.. shrugs
    mhh nah are you referring to the winterhold college?

    nope.. there is this museum that can **** the daedric weapons thing up if you dont do it correctly and this orc thing that can do the same
    yea there is one questline that i huge where you have to follow certain steps exactly to get a crapton of daedric weapons which can be bugged a lot if you're not careful.

    yea i probs wont get the online version but if you like go fot it :D
    yea it's way better on pc.. and you can fix some of the bugs with console commands. and yes it's good but i had to play it through twice because one of the achievement thing was bugged on one of the characters i had
    yea if i get a new computer i would probably downgrade to something less clunky. i was just such a big gamer when i got this lol.

    IKR... like all the pretty dresses mm gief.
    sounds good though. yeah i do need more autumn and winter dresses aye.

    yeah ik. might get that vita anyhow i dont need like a 2500 bucks computer or phone anyways
    aww the holographic one for sure :D it looks way cuter tbh

    also i need some flare jeans and dresses still and i know i should not spend but smh..
    yes it's so cute damnit. :/ well i dont have any of the 3ds consoles atm but ech like.. 300 bucks for all that nah... idk. maybe. and yeah i loved designing stuff so i know i'd enjoy it more

    i'd rather spend it on music and clothes so eh
    yea i want to get the new 3ds xl with the HHD bundle cause it looks smashin' mangoes but ech they are so expensive here.
    aw thanks <3 yeah i look like some mafia lady in my hat and coat :D

    aw man sucks :/ also been thinking of getting a vita again but tbh they are expensive ... i can afford it not that but.. agh
    woo, found a sweater and a black coat today for cheap, i got some money from my mom cause she owed me quiche so it wasn't too expensive :D
    ech never lol

    i liked it but i dont like those weird waist things on them like why you didn't even need to tie it oh well.
    yaa i tried on a dress mom suggested i'd check out lol.. it was alright but the cut around the waist and the belt-ish thing you had to tie around made it look like i was pregnant so nope didn't buy that.
    i usually try to keep mine good but if they tear it's bad quality i guess

    yah i think we had those bugs like once but they never got back thank turts

    anyways going for a bit, ttyl <3
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