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  • hey <3 got some nice derg bebs today finally. kinda tempted to keep some but meh could as well give away
    I think I'm about done with this forum for a while. Unless you can think of a couple of reasons why I should stay. I plan on swimming free as a mermaid in my favorite cave pool. Its HUGE!
    I've got some mango-colored dragons that are almost RTB that I'm planning to put on a nest soon. You can take a look at my lair and pick a pair of mangoes if you want. My FR is squidkids. If a pair interests you let me know!
    mine is not all she does is complaining if i dont clean and stuff i kinda wish she had someone cause it'd make her happier
    omg yis i'd bring my vinyls :'DDD <3 one day though mango one day!

    hah i wil land better do it or she will be angry turtmom
    omg i should so withdraw my quiche and get to your place so we can get hammered hnng...

    hope you can, i should cut my hair but i really don't want them to chop off everything it's not THAT bad smh
    sweet mangoes though.. im gonna get sushi next week i think :3 mom doesn't like it so can't really jav tomorrow :p

    also got ma dew gonna play something i think
    ahh... usually it works after a few tries but try resetting it or fix around with steam you can always try google it up though
    man that sucks...so you can't open it at all? i always save before i shut it down and such cause my computer is a bad turt lots of times. try installing/reinstalling it?
    lel thanks <3

    also apparently you can have clans on clicker heroes.. is on 386 i think lol but the damage and gold are so bad these levels :[
    cant really stand cherry much unless it's cherry garcia b&j and this lemonade we got here :3

    ugh yeaaa gonna get some dew now fml
    yeah same, i took some booze to see if it helps idk if we have those throat pills at home though

    also damn now i really want mtn dew ugh
    yas im kinda tempted to go down buy one meow cause its so good damn

    also my throat started itching meow ugh
    yea busy week though so probs why :3 and yeah sometimes i fall asleep like in the middle of the day lol

    also ugh forgot to buy mountain dew damn
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