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  • lel so i watched some.. either it's like real housewives, random church services or dog/antique/decorating shows.. gaah

    might take a hot bath or something

    thanks *hugs*
    yeah this licorice is soo good :3

    also ugh i should go to grandma but i dont feel like it :/ and i was supposed to see my turtfriend tomorrow that ain't gonna happen **** cold.

    ya :[

    also i found some spicy tea now hope it helps frick why now dumb cold :( and i bought some candy because this sucks
    yeah totes gonna get one of those someday my mom might wonder tho hahah <3

    me too but because i'm "free" i have to do it :[
    yeah they are awesome and i like those boob mousepads *cough*

    anyways gonna go down get some tea and washing liquid cause i need to 'do the plates and crap i guess :B
    snakes are cute :'D hope you can get one!

    also lel trying to glue together a mousepad i got from my friends hope it works
    doing it like a pro :3

    never liked the other much so yeah bowling was my to-go x)) also i kinda want a ps vita again but idk i should save munnies.
    wii sports omg yay! haha i loved bowling, was pretty pro back in the days lol

    tennis though mangoes.

    also sniffing some spicy boiled water stuff atm hope it clears
    yeah it's teh **** :D

    also lol looking at everyone's pretty 3ds consoles i kinda want one again but yeah the lack of good games here is too damn high!
    nope, only (pea)nuts and i certainly did not eat that :/ probably just some random virus good thing it's not that bad. probably gunna go down get some tea later :3 we need glue too i think.
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