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  • yeah and mom had some other lighter pads i could use while going down but yeah i have the regular ones now.. and got some instant ramen because junk food day...
    Yeah if ya got the hair gooo for it ;D

    yeahh ugh i need the dough bro. if i didn't need that it'd be less problem but now it's yeah mango all broke :( serious side.. i do want to take the class because film studies is really fun. but this is not what i had in mind agh. and my parents gonna flip soo bad
    omg <3

    yeah i had some weird dream .. like we met in some giant grocery store. and you had this 60s beehive hair but you kept the goth style <3'

    also yeah reason im screwed is they did so my class this semester doesn't start until november.. agghh
    get coffee or just something that starts you up i guess lel

    also that bug mofo showed himself so i killed him.. gross some white sht came out of the butt
    Prettier than Parachute at least lol

    and yeah good idea i guess XD I usually keep the names unless it's like myfirstdergpoop lol
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