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  • Mhh, might actually be a kinda good idea, or if grandma needs help with stuff maybe. Oh yeah 2 months it'll go fast so I'm not too worried actually.

    And yeah I love my piepaints. And I will let you know when I can breed glimmer bebs, will probably be next week I can start doing it cause Leviathan had some cooldown lol
    and, well yeah i guess the broke is alright, i can always swallow the pride and ask dad. I was thinking of works but the short times until the course begins no use really.
    yeah feel free to spam me 24*7 <3

    hope you had a blast weekend and work, i saw a friend yesterday, one of the broturts i've known for .. over 10 years the least and we javed a blast
    Also I told my mom my schedule was messed up, she took it surprisingly good. I hope my dad will do the same. I just hope he ain't like "oh.. yeah i dont care" it's like why do you care at all u loser dad
    <3 No hot poop yet but might get from this chili stew I guess, hah..

    Also just want to say in all seriousness I love our night(or, my morning/noon) convos here, they pretty much gives me reason to get up <3
    also ugh my tooth hurts but i cant really afford to do anything about it meow so i'll just try cut the candy for a while.
    haha yeah ive gotten a few gems throughout the days because i sold a lvl 25 and people got me when hey put me in referral and i keep going like.. moko now u save for that scarf but no i waste on dergs
    yeah i shoulda saved for unicorn scarf but i always waste my gems lol -.-

    i feel ya ._. but i love buying pretty dregs D:
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