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  • Thanks so much for pointing that out. I mixed my dc with my fc. It's been like that for a few months. I would not have noticed had you not told me. Thanks again.
    okay, I can do it before I try to sleep again. my town would work better, since I've got some stuff for you to catalogue too. all the items for you to catalogue are refurbished, which just happens to be coincidence... lmao
    so hey, just let me know when you will be available to get the items I have for you! I'm sick and that might interfere since my sleeping is super screwed, but just give me a time. or like, just say tomorrow or whatever. there's no rush, especially since I'm sick and all.
    sorry, I fell asleep last night. looks like we keep missing each other.
    I'll be able to trade tonight or this afternoon!
    You can add me! I am on regularly! (I only posted this here because I didn't think you where going to check the thread again....)
    I'm ready when you are
    Sorry for he delay, I got sleepy and just went to bed early.
    So you just want the two sets? Not the other items? And if so, is the offer still the same?
    I have all of the items! :D
    I have no room in my town with all the pathways though. Can I drop it all off at yours? Everything's in my locker, so it will only take one trip.
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