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  • Ahh, I see. I'm only up at night recently due to the fact that I have been having an off sleeping schedule.
    That's intense. :3 But hey, I think that'll be a great idea. x3 I'd want a wilting rose. But anyways. Are you at work right now? ouo
    I want a crow on my back, a shark circling my bell button, runes of punishment from suikoden IV on my wrists, and maybe wings on my ankles. xD Oh! And a snake over my chest. x:
    Oh same time zone as me :) I probably wont be awake at that hour (not on the weekend anyway lol) Any time from 1pm to 5pm, or 7pm to 10pm im most likely to be on
    I want one on my back, my arms, my ankles, my wrists, and my stomach/belly button. XD
    I'm alright, really. I've been nauseas on and off lately. But I think I just need more fluids. xD;

    So you like tats? I wish I had the money and the body for all the ones I want. D:
    :3 that always works! XD
    I'm a failure that's all messed up with sleeping after all the stuff the week threw at me, so I think I might fail at being around to hang out with people for a few more days. sucks, since it is a thing I wanna do, but I've been so tired at all the wrong times.
    heh. I'm not too good at checking that, but I can totally at least attempt to make a better effort if I know someone's actively making use of it. good to know, thanks. uvu
    I'm pretty heavily reliant on communication to make things happen, just because that's what I'm used to regarding doing... well, anything with anyone. I'm not used to how some other people happen to do things. lol
    aww man, you're one of those people I added to play virtual animal video game with. we totally gotta do that sometime. I've had a hard time remembering everyone until I see their names pop up on the forum and I go like "oh shoot, that needs to happen" aka I am a clumsy fool 5evr who totally wants to play with people but they never bug me and I forget about it. ;__;
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