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  • i didnt feel pressured! i just didnt want to drag the process out any longer for you x) thanks for her!
    i didnt feel pressured! i just didnt want to drag the process out any longer for you x) thanks for her!
    aww no thats okay! thank you though <33 i have so many hybrids idek what to do with hahha
    omw :)
    oh and I have a bunch of high tier villagers in my void hahah
    all original...not sure if you mind or not
    Stitches, Phoebe and Ruby
    okay yay. my fc is 4442-2636-7865
    ill add the one in your sidebar if thats the correct one :]
    and actually idek if that person is going to get goldie right away
    so if youre ready i can head over whenever!
    i thought it was fauna o_o
    lmao either way yeah it's fine!
    someone is adopting goldie from my town atm
    but after that I can head over to yours!
    alexi is willing to hold her for me so i can get her out of your hair! n___n sending btb now, and she should message you soon!
    sure! I'll add and head over. ignore my character's hideous appearance lmao, just restarted my town.
    alsoooo how many hybrids of each can I take? are you sure you don't need anything in return?
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