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  • I'm so sorry! If someone else wants her they can take her instead. I'm not having much luck
    Ohmygod, I'm so sorry for the wait. In my town, I have all of my villagers alligned and to do so, I cover the spots that they mostly move in with pwps. Do you mind holding him for like 10 minutes? I am so sorry !!
    All earlier was an error, :). Its normal. At first i was a little angry, sorry, but its really nothing. Im also sorry my earlier messages.
    Seriously, dont worry, please. Thanks to earlier, i get lucky. It Sound rare, but true. Hehe. Dont worry please.
    And no thank you, even though I could I'm still trying to figure out where to lay my paths xD, I have pansies and some odd cosmos I need to move around/get rid of lol. But thank you very much for offering!
    Thank you! And no judging haha I didn't know about plot resets so my town looks so terrible D;
    Also, I hope Frita doesn't move into your town. I just voided her, but there is a chance that you will get her
    Hi I can get coco now if you're ready.
    I looked at carmens page, and she is about to buy Skye from someone else.
    I can send the tbt now if you want?
    I'm on all night! Well not all night, but I'll be on. I've been lurking your forum the whole day hahaha.
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