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  • me too actually, but there should be enough space, I'll lead you and you can put them all around where there's empty spaces :)
    it's open, I'm Ariane from Westeros :)
    sorry I couldn't get back to you, I was sleeping when you sent the VM lol. I'd love to buy the Jacob's Ladders, I'm very bad with timezones - I'm in France, 7 hours ahead of forum time. I have time today from now to about 7 hours from now. I hope that makes sense lol
    No no don't apologise, it's okay! You see.. I would love to have him but someone has already said they would give me Lionel when he is ready to move. And Lionel is one of my favourite dreamies <3 I was going to take Gaston because he's adorable if I could get Charlise to move but SHE WON'T so I'll just have room for Lionel :c But thank you so so much it's so sweet of you to try so hard for me! Thank you <3 :)
    Thank you so so much for holding Blanche for me and being so easy to communicate with, I really appreciate it :D I'm looking forward to having her in my town and I'm very glad she wasn't voided <3 Thanks again for all your hard work!
    I'm ready - I'll be available at 8 to 9am AEST (usually we're both online at this time I think?) to pick her up :)
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