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  • I'm out for lunch right now :( if you can wait like 30 minutes I could come but I know how late it must be over there
    Dang I missed you by a couple minutes. I'll be on all night since my time zone is different so any time in the morning is good
    Yes thank you! I just need to make room quickly but I have someone in boxes so it won't take long. Hopefully you don't mind. I'll just void them if you don't want to wait
    Hey I am on. I am currently camping, so the times I will be on will be sketchy. At 9:00 I am having dinner. So Idk. I rly hope that I can get him today. Just pm me when ur on, pm so I get a notification on my phone . Thanks:)
    Aww dumb Charlise I blame this all on her. I hate her so much! >~< But I've got like 6 dreamies right now.... my fear of losing them is stronger than my hatred for her XD Still though... thank you so much again for letting me know! I'll get my paws on him someday x
    If you haven't already, you can go ahead and void him. I'm sorry for any trouble.. I was betting on being able to TT and get Charlise to move out but she wILL NOT LEAVE and I have too many dreamies to risk it. Thank you so much for letting me know though~
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