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  • Do you plan on coming back to the dust event, or are you done?
    we still have not-advent and whatever the reflection thingy is about, plus I still actually need to donate my earnings

    so for sure, I'll be back plenty. probably starting sometime late into the next not-advent prize being up, to (re)start
    Congrats on the wand!! It would’ve been funny if you didn’t get it but I’m glad you did 😊 it’s about time that the rng worked like it should lol
    • Shooting Star
    Reactions: LambdaDelta
    hey, statistically speaking, I had about an 84% chance at failure! and I play plenty of stuff to know that 16% success rate is actually not as big as it seems
    Well, I'm glad that the 16% was on your side this time haha 😄
    Congrats on the nice wand snag! It would have been really crappy if you hadn’t won after putting so much in. Glad it turned out how it did. 🤩
    The pops will be made giftable today, at 7PM New York time. But don’t sent the Bells until I send you your pop.

    What message would you like?
    ngl, I'm surprised we have a time too

    also, whatever you can come up with works
    American popsicle has been sent! That’ll be 150 TBT.
    Hey! Sorry for the random post, do you happen to remember what the earliest dates for the round of collectibles with the crescent moon egg? I’m hoping they’re as early as 4/1, but so far I’ve only seen as early as 4/8. Just thought I’d ask you because you’re really good at remembering forum details 😊
    4/8 does seem to be the earliest possible, per the egg hunt egg clues release schedule

    well, 4/7 possible for the baby chick egg, but that's all, and even still, cutting it close
    Thank you, you’re the best! I’m trying to find something to go in a two month date window and hoped I could make that work, but oh well!
    I could tell any Moon Bunny this, but I see that your team and the space whales have just entered the observatory. I hope you enjoy the activities over there. We just got out of the Observatory and are now in the Cargo Hold.

    Oh, and another thing. My profile is open to Ghost and Molly McGee gifs, a show I gotten into during my 31-month break.
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