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  • excuse u it looks just fine to me

    (I'm not tech-savvy enough to make it all one image OK just only look at it in full-screen and we'll be fine)

    Hi Lambda, your first line is 6 syllables! Please narrow it to five and I'll accept this!
    is it fire? because researching told me rhat it could be 1 or 2 syllables (though the way I say it def leans to '2', but I saw "official" sources lean more towards '1', so....)

    either way, edited. but just thought I'd point that out for future note, since this seems quite the dumb word
    In case you haven't seen this yet...

    It's probably the best thing ever created 😂
    well laudine, this is an odd forgery, but I must say... it makes for a good meme
    Hahaha I agree, it was unexpected but probably the best (meme) kakera possible.

    Seriously though, that 'Unknown Ham X' line killed me 😂
    i played with designing Hermie also!
    and acnh even has his hair style, but i moved on bc i got too annoyed that i couldnt show off the hairdo :LOL:
    Hi! Am pretty happy with my lineup right now but that being said I may sell galaxy egg in the future for pure tbt to be put into sweet feather fund (v ambitious I know). Good luck searching though~ (y)
    hi! just looking to trade for a loveball at the moment, but if i am in the future i'll let you know ^__^
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