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  • I saw your drawings of pokemon and was wondering if you could do either Lucario or Eevee & it's evolutions. c:
    ok what's your username, I think mines rosiettii
    Also ass-a thought you were like 30 LMAO
    Okay thats good. We'll probably have rosie on an inkbrush or maybe an aerospam, Lars will go on an aerospam or jr, I will go on a charger, .96 deco or maybe even a blaster if we need it and I'm pretty sure Tao is our guy when we need a charger, but I'm not too sure if he uses anything else.
    Hey luffy, are you good with rollers? Because we just noticed your the only one that uses them on our team :3
    Hey! We should totally play Splatoon together once again! Wasn't online here for some time. (As you might know already but still xD)
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